Sunday 15 September 2024

Vedic Horoscope of Arvind Kejriwal - a small Analysis

 BIRTH INFORMATION (source Internet):

16th Aug., 1968

7:34:30 am

Siwani, Haryana, India


He is Leo ASC., Aries Moon


Mercury, Venus and Jupiter are forming multiple raja-yogas and dhana-yogas in the 1st House {LEO].

YOGA between [11th L Mercury + 5th L Jupiter] is forming in the 1st H - he actually made use of this energy to make his own political (5th H) party (11th H) through his own effort (1st H) from the scratch.

Since 3rd H (effort, courage, enterprise) and 10th H (Karma) ruler Venus is also involved in this YOGA, so he could actually create a new political party.

3rd H ruler Venus forming YOGA with Mercury in the presence of 5th H ruler Jupiter makes him a very good political communicator.


Challenging Factors

Lagna Lord Sun is at 29° in Cancer in the 12th House. Sun is in Gandanta. 29° Cancer is close to the WATER-FIRE junction at Cancer-Leo boundary, this is a GANDANTA POINT (a point that represents KARMIC KNOT) on the zodiac. This is challenging factor. This factor can make him go through many intrigues and chaos in life.

Sun in Gandanta can be giving him this peculiar intrigue in life. He aspires for power (Sun = power) but he is not able to enjoy that unchallenged power, which may give him lots of frustration. He is CM of Delhi which is not a full-fledged state. He may be trying hard to resolve this, fighting with all kinds of forces (trying to untie the KNOT of Sun in Gandanta) to gain unchallenged power. Will he be able to achieve it? - it will happen only if he undergoes through some spiritual evolution and evolves into a different man [equivalent to Sun crossing the Gandanta to come into LEO).

12th H Sun also sent him to prison [12th H = prison also].

His 12th H Sun also makes him susceptible to losing direction in the middle sometimes. He can keep himself grounded by choosing to SERVE without any selfish interest. When he selflessly works for poor and downtrodden .... he will ensure that he is on the right track in this life.


Gandanta Sun in the 12th H is also not good for his health and physical strength as Sun is also the Lagna Lord.

Retrograde Saturn at 2° Aries is also in Gandanta (Pisces-Aries junction). Saturn is KARMA-KARAKA. He has undergone through lots of chaotic transformations in his career all through his life:

IIT (Engineering) --> IRS (bureaucrat) --> SOCIAL ACTIVIST -- > ANNA MOVEMENT -- > POLITICS -- > STRUGGLING TO GAIN POWER -- > ... ??

He needs to deeply contemplate and meditate to understand that what kind of spiritual evolution he needs to go through to come out of this Gandanta chaos and move ahead on his soul evolution.



He has started 19 years of Saturn Maha-Dasha from March 2024.

  • Saturn is retrograde
  • Saturn is in the sign Aries/9th H so debilitated (but retrograde debilitated planets can act exalted if the person makes the right choices in life).
  • Mars and Moon are both connected to Saturn as Mars and Moon are involved in Parivartan Yoga.
  • Connection of Moon & Mars with Saturn makes Saturn also connected to Sun.

So, Saturn Maha-Dasha can work out either very positive or very negative depending upon how he executes himself in the Saturn MD. 

If he chooses the path of a real self-less leader of the common people and poor, then this Saturn MD can give him big success and also BIG POSTS and powerful positions. But if he only runs after power, then Saturn MD can become very frustrating for him, and he may experience many setbacks in life.


His Janma Nakshatra is Kritika... he is very sharp and intelligent and a born fighter. The deity of Kritika nakshatra is Bhagwan Kartikeya.


He should pray to Hunuman ji a lot and adopt Hanuman ji's traits in life to SERVE in the name of GOD.

He should do intensive Puja of Shiva ji


CLICK HERE if you want to get a reading on your horoscope from the author.

Sunday 11 August 2024

Learn Vedic Astrology


  • online - live interactive ONE-TO-ONE video classes
  • PDF class notes (in English) after every class
  • open to people all over the world
  • lectures will be in English Medium
  • Taught by Bhāskara J


Course -1 (Basic): This Basic course is meant for building a firm foundation in Astrology. Here I also teach basic astronomy that is important for astrology. After finishing this course [if you simply revise my lessons regularly] you will be able to do a good analysis of any horoscope. Visit the following link to download the syllabus. Fee is mentioned in the syllabus.

Course - 2 (Intermediate): This course takes you to the next level where I discuss two divisional horoscopes NAVAMSHA (D9) and DRESKONA (D3), and other concepts like ASHTAKAVARGA. I also introduce you to the basics of JAMINI system inside Vedic Astrology. Visit the following link to download the syllabus. Fee is mentioned in the syllabus.

Course-3 (understanding wealth potential): This is a short course that will only examine the wealth potential of a person from his/her horoscope. Which period can give good income and wealth to a person? You can join this if you have the knowledge of basic analysis of a Vedic horoscope. In this, I will explain that how we can analyse the HORA (D2) Divisional horoscope and how to combine the analysis of HORA and the main-horoscope to assess that how much money he/she is potentially capable of earning. The course fee for this course is 81 USD [or Rs. 6801]. Duration is = 4 weeks [one class per week].


For any enquiry, you can write at the following Email:


Friday 9 August 2024

Kapil Sharma - Vedic Horoscope

 Kapil Sharma is the Biggest Comedian Celebrity in India presently



2nd April, 1981

9:50 am (approx)

Amritsar, Punjab, India


Taurus Ascendant (Vrishabha Lagna)

Aquarius Moon (Kumbha Rashi)

Shatabhisha Nakshatra


2nd H (speech) ruler Mercury is placed in the 10th H (career) along with 3rd H (communication, art) ruler Moon. MERCURY is anyway the planet of speech and communication. Speech and communication will play important role in his career. Mercury is also business intelligence.

Mercury is also the 5th H ruler [creativity, entertainment world, show-biz]. 5th H ruler Mercury is conjoined with 3rd H (communication, media) ruler Moon in the 10th H (career). His career is connected to creativity, entertainment, show-biz, media (3rd H), TV (3rd H), celebrities (5th H).

10th H ruler Saturn is placed in the 5th H. This further confirms the connection between his 10th H [career] and 5th H.

Actually, there is an EXCHANGE-YOGA happening between Saturn and Mercury involving 5th H and 10th H.... this is a GREAT RAJA-YOGA ... he has the promise to rise in life through his own talent (5th H). This exchange between Mercury and Saturn integrates the working of 5th H, 10th H, 9th H (luck) and 2nd H (wealth, speech). 5th H and 9th H are also known to give name and fame. He is a big celebrity today and he does TV shows with big celebrities in India.

2nd H ruler Mercury + Moon = also gives him the ability to sing,

Ascendant Lord Venus is exalted (high status) in the 11th H (income, profits, mass appeal and FRIENDS). Venus is conjoined with Sun... he is very confident and he has the promise of name and fame.

Sun rules the 4th H (mother). Sun is sitting with asc. lord Venus (the person himself). Moon (mother) is also sitting in the 10th H == his mother is always present in most of his shows and she is bringing good luck charm to him.

Saturn and Jupiter are retrograde. Retrograde Saturn can give unconventional career. Retrograde Jupiter can give unconventional wisdom.



He got Jupiter Dasha between 1991 and 2007. This was the time when he struggled and created foundation for his career.

He is running through Saturn Dasha between 2007 and 2026. He has got great success in this Saturn Dasha.

His will start 17 years of Mercury Dasha after 2026. His success will continue. I will not be surprised if he enters into Politics also at some stage as 5th H also relates to politics.


CLICK HERE if you want to get a reading on your horoscope from the author.

Tuesday 23 July 2024

Vedic Horoscope of Kamala Harris and Election 2024


20th October 1964

21:28 Hrs.

Chinatown, California, USA





She is in news because President Biden has endorsed her to become the Democratic Party candidate for 2024 US Presidential election.

She is running through Rahu Maha-Dasha from 2012 to 2030. Rahu is placed in the 1st H of horoscope in his favourite sign Gemini.

Communication and intelligence are her strong abilities, and she can gain recognition, self-growth, prominence, power... etc. through her communication and intelligence. Rahu can help her create that MAYA (very important for politicians and film-stars) around her personality that people should like her.

Yes, many people may perceive her as very selfish, cold and non-emotional, so many people may not like her at personal level, which can prove to be the biggest hindrance for her in winning nomination from her own party to fight against Trump.


Rahu is passing through Pisces right now, Pisces is the 10th House (career, profession, leadership). So, Rahu can give her prominence.

She is running through the sub-period of Venus between Feb 2024 and Feb. 2027. Venus is involved in exchange-yoga with Sun, involving the 3rd House and the 5th House. She will do very well with POLITICAL (5th H) CAMPAIGNING (3rd House), first for getting nominated and then (if she gets nominated to fight against Trump) for the election. Trump will really have hard time campaigning against her if she gets nominated.



Her ascendant Lord Mercury is placed in the 5th H with Sun (Sun is debilitated, but due to being in exchange YOGA with Venus, Sun's debilitation is cancelled to some extent). Mercury placed in the 5th House connects her to politics (5th House) and government (Sun).

But, Mercury is very weak [see the 2nd image] in her horoscope which can become a big factor for her to not be able to touch the ZENITH. She needs to strengthen her Mercury.

Ashtaka-Varga wise Mercury is well placed, as he is supporting 5 natal planets [Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, Mercury].


Her 10th L Jupiter is RETROGRADE and at 0 deg in Taurus in the 12th House. This is weak !! Jupiter is however getting good support in Ashtaka-Varga. Transit Jupiter is also in Taurus this year.

Her 10th lord Jupiter is also connected to VENUS because of being placed in Taurus and Jupiter is placed in KRITIKA nakshatra so is connected to Sun also.

In this light, I feel Venus sub-period is very powerful for her inside this Rahu main-period. Because Venus is connected to Sun + Mercury in the 5th House and 10th L Jupiter also. That is why President Biden himself endorsed her to become the Democratic Candidate. She has a high chance of winning the nomination from her party [though, as I said, many people in her own party may not like her].

She has great ability to raise funds MOON-MARS exchange involving the 2nd H and 11th H, that can also work in her favour in winning the nomination.


Her biggest weaknesses:

·       She may not have much patience

·       People may feel that she is a little superficial personality

·       Emotionally, she needs to empower herself


CLICK HERE if you want to get a reading on your horoscope from the author.

Sunday 14 July 2024

Donald Trump and Vedic Astrology - His present Time (July 2024 to November 2024)

 Birth Information

14th June, 1946

10:54 am

Jamaica, New York, USA


He is Leo Ascendant in his Vedic Horoscope. Taurus is 10th house for him

·       He is presently running through Jupiter main period and Ketu sub-period.

·       From 30th Sep., 2024 onwards he will run through Jupiter main-period and Venus sub-period.


Main-Period of Jupiter:

Transit-Jupiter is moving through the Taurus (10th house) this year. So, he is in the lime-light. Transiting through his 10th house Jupiter will also interact with his natal Sun and Rahu placed in the 10th H. So, this transit of Jupiter can potentially give him power and status [so may be, election win also]. Earlier when he was running through Rahu main-period he won the President election. His natal Jupiter is sitting in the 2nd H and from there the natal-Jupiter is also seeing the 10th H. And interestingly, both natal and Transit Jupiter are seeing the 6th House of competition (election fight).


Sub-period of Ketu [active now, and will continue till 30th Sep., 2024]:

·       Jupiter/Ketu/Saturn = from 18th June 2024 to 12th Aug., 2024

·       Jupiter/Ketu/Mercury = from 12th Aug., 2024 to 30th Sep., 2024

He is running through Saturn sub-sub-period also till 23rd July 2024. After that he will begin the Mercury sub-sub-period till 30th September, 2024.

So, it is clear, right now [July 2024] he is running through Jupiter/Ketu/Saturn period.

I have explained the main-period lord Jupiter already. Jupiter is willing to giving him power, status and election victory this year.

Let me now analyse the sub-period Ketu inside the Jupiter main-period. Ketu sub-period is a very dangerous time, as in his horoscope Ketu is eclipsing his Moon (Ketu and Moon are closely conjunct with Sun sitting in the opposite 10th House)

Ketu is presently transiting through Virgo sign where his natal Jupiter is sitting. This can give him some spiritual awakening. But this can also possibly threaten his life and his security. We should not forget that among many things, Ketu can also represent “headless” people who unleash terror and kill people indiscriminately. He should be very careful for his health, security and safety till 30th Sep., 2024 because Ketu sub-period will be active till that time.

Now, let me analyse the sub-sub-periods inside Jupiter/Ketu:

Saturn sub-sub-period [active till 12th August 2024]: Saturn is considered the most negative planet for Leo ascendant people. Saturn is even capable for causing death to a Leo ascendant people.

Yes, since Saturn rules the 6th H [fighting, enemies … etc] and 7th H [public-life] ... in his Leo ascendant horoscope, so it is matching with his life-event that he is fighting an election right now and is going out a lot in public. He should be careful for his health, security and safety in the Saturn sub-sub-period as Saturn is placed in the 12th H (hidden enemies, prison ... etc).

Transit Saturn is presently passing through Aquarius/7th house. I will take this Transit of Saturn as good transit for him in the present time because this Saturn moving through Aquarius/7th H can allow him to spend lots of time in public (which is needed during the election campaigning). Although, it is also a fact that Saturn is passing through 4th House from his natal Moon (in Scorpio) which can give him emotional stress (or health issues or even risk to life). Transit Saturn is also currently opposite to his natal Mars in this 1st H, it is a fact that Saturn-Mars opposition happening on the 1st H-7th H axis is not a very safe energy when he is also running through the Saturn sub-sub-period. Mixing of Saturn-Mars energy is known to give accidents and injuries.

Mercury sub-sub-period [active from 12th August 2024 to 30th Sep., 2024]: Mercury sub-sub-period will prove to be very gainful time for him as Mercury is 11th House ruler and placed in the 11th House. He will find great success in all kinds of political networking and group activities in the context of his campaigning. Mercury also rules the 2nd House of speech, so he will deliver good speeches and his words will reach great many people.

NOTE: But he cannot be careless for his health, security and safety in the Mercury sub-sub-period also, because Ketu sub-period will still be active and I have described the risk that Ketu is causing him.

Jupiter main-period & Venus Sub-period [from 30th Sep., 2024 onwards]:

Jupiter main-period I have already explained. Jupiter is working well for Trump in the year 2024.

Now, it is a great news for Trump that he will start Venus sub-period on 30th Sep., 2024 and the election is on 5th November 2024. Venus sub-period is definitely capable of giving him very good results.

Venus rules the 10th H [career, leadership] in his horoscope. Venus is capable of giving him the results of Sun + Rahu placed in his horoscope in the 10th House/Taurus. Venus is placed in the 12th House with Saturn in the sign Cancer. Venus is placed in the Punar Vasu nakshatra which is ruled by Jupiter. So, Venus sub-period is good for giving him a fairly high chance to gain power and status in life.

Jupiter and Venus are placed in 3-11 from each other in his horoscope. This is considered good mutual placement for main and sub-period ruler.

On 5th November 2024, Transit Venus will be passing through Scorpio/4th House. This is good Transit as among many things 4th H is also the royal-throne [President's Chair] for politicians. Ashtaka-Varga wise, Scorpio transit of Venus is good with respect to 6 natal factors [asc., Moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Saturn]. So, I am seeing this transit of his sub-period lord Venus as good transit.

Transit Venus and Transit Jupiter will be in the opposite signs/house on 5th November 2024.


NOTE of Caution: Since Venus is sitting with Saturn, so he can give the effects of Saturn also. I have said this already that Saturn is very negative for Leo ascendant people. Saturn can even cause death to a Leo ascendant person.

So, he should be careful for his health and safety in the Venus sub-period as Venus may also be giving the results of Saturn. Both Venus and Saturn are placed in the 12th H (hidden enemies, prison ... etc), so he should be very careful


NOTE: Presently, Mars is transiting through Taurus (his 10th H). Transit Mars is going to conjoin with Uranus soon. This Mars + Uranus conjunction can trigger lots of uncontrolled or violent energy. Perhaps that is why someone attempted to attack on him on 13th July, 2024. We should not also forget that on 13th July, 2024 he was running through Jupiter/Ketu/Saturn period and both Ketu sub-period are Saturn sub-sub-period are risky time for him.

Since, this Mars + Uranus transit conjunction is happening in his 10th H, so his election campaign may actually benefit from this event [the failed attack] as his supporters may now rally behind him even more strongly.


CLICK HERE if you want to get a reading on your horoscope from the author.

Thursday 13 June 2024

King Henry VIII (King of England) - Why he married 6 times?


King Henry VIII (King of England)

28th June, 1491
8:45 am
Greenwich, West England

Relationship highlights of his life

Married 6 times and to end his first marriage initiated the English Reformation, separating the Church of England from papal authority


Leo Ascendant (Leo Lagna)

Pisces Moon

Revathi Nakshatra


Why he married six times:

·       Tithi of birth = 2nd = ruled by Rahu = unconventional relationship tendencies [such people can be tempted to break the social norms in the area of relationship].

·       8th and 5th L Jupiter is seeing the 7th H = expanding the area of relationship + generating the energy change, ending and new beginning in the area of relationship

·       7th L Saturn is placed in the 6th H =

§  susceptibility to get into imbalanced relationship

§  susceptibility of divorce and separation from spouse

§  susceptibility to get into relationship with females who are in a position of his servant


·       Venus is with Ketu = not easily satisfied from any woman; very confused about what he wants from a woman; has a very confused and vague idea of a dream woman and easily disappointed from a real-life woman


When he wanted to end (annule) his marriage with his first wife Catharine. His disagreement with Pope Clement VII about such an annulment led Henry to initiate the English Reformation, separating the Church of England from papal authority. He appointed himself Supreme Head of the Church of England and dissolved convents and monasteries, for which he was excommunicated by the pope.

9th L Mars is sitting in the 2nd H and from there seeing the 9th H from his 8th-drishti


CLICK HERE if you want to get a reading on your horoscope from the author.

Sunday 9 June 2024

Modi Ji’s 3.0 OATH Time Horoscope as Prime Minister of India

Time and Date of Oath 

9th June, 2024

19:27 Hrs.

New Delhi


Scorpio Ascendant – this is considered a good ascendant sign for OATH taking because Scorpio is a FIXED SIGN and Scorpio is also a Shirshodaya sign (rises from the head).

Weekday = Sunday – this is also a good factor for oath taking.

Nakshatra = Punar Vasu. This is okay but does not promote stability a lot.

He took oath after the sunset. This is not very auspicious as coronation does not happen in the night.

Tithi = 4th Tithi (ruled by Mercury) – this is not considered a very auspicious Tithi for oath taking. On 4th Tithi, Taurus (7th house in the above horoscope) and Aquarius (4th H in the above horoscope) get "burnt". This is not good at all, because both these signs are ruling very important houses in the above horoscope - 4th H is the royal-throne (here PM's chair) and 7th H is partners and allies.

All the benefic planets (Jupiter, Mercury, Venus and Moon) are either in Kendra (Quadrant) or Trikon (Trine) houses. This is very good.

ASC. L Mars is placed in the 6th H/Aries. This is good as well as challenging. This is good because Mars does well in the 6th H. He will have the strength and drive to face all the challenges and fight against the opposition. But asc. L in the 6th H means, he may have to face many challenges and worries this time. He may not enjoy a very easy time in office this time. 1st L Mars is seeing the 1st H, he may always be in the fighting mode and through that he will seek to ensure that his tenure continues. He may have to handle many disagreements with partners.

Saturn is seeing both the 1st H as well as the 1st L Mars. He may have to operate under lots of restrictions and constraints this time. He may not enjoy a very un-challenged and unrestricted authority in his office. Influence of Saturn on Mars will also severely constrain his abilities to take bold decisions this time. This is very strong Saturn as Saturn is placed in his own sign Aquarius. Strong Saturn can mean Strong Judiciary.

Saturn is placed in the 4th H in his own sign Aquarius. This is good for giving him stability in his office. But Saturn is also the 3rd H ruler and placed in the 4th H, so every now and then there will be risks of un-stability. He may not have a very relaxed time on the throne this time. He will have to continuously work for ensuring that he continues to remain in his post.

Mars is 6th L and placed in the 6th H. Saturn is also seeing the 6th H. This time the opposition will be very powerful. Mars and Saturn are both seeing the 1st H. Opposition will always seek to trouble him this time. Opposition will be in a position to create problems for his position this time. If he is not very cautious, it will not be easy time for him in his office this time.

There are 4 planets in the 7th H [Jupiter, Mercury, Venus and Sun]. This is amplifying the energy of his partners and allies and giving more power to them. There will be lots of negotiation and bargaining going on all the time. 4 planets in the 7th H means that there can be many people/partners, and they all may keep putting many [may be, contradictory] demands. He will have to operate with a very accommodative attitude this time. This time he may take the approach of being a Public Welfare oriented Prime Minister.

10th L Sun is also placed in the 7th H, this hints that for his power and authority he may always have to depend upon the allies and partners.  

Ashtakavarga wise also:

  • 7th H is stronger than 1st H = partners are more powerful this time
  • 6th H is stronger than 1st H = opposition is also very powerful
  • 6th H is even stronger than 7th H = he may have to face many disagreements with his partners.

This section I am adding on 11th June 2024

I did not analyse few important factors in the above discussion.

  • 8th L Mercury is placed in the 7th H (12th from the 8th H).
  • 8th L Mercury is conjunct with 7th L Venus.
  • 8th L Mercury is conjunct with 10th L Sun.

This is creating the possibility of serious risk to the longevity of this government. 


CLICK HERE if you want to get a reading on your horoscope from the author.

Saturday 30 September 2023

What is happening in October – 2023 (Vedic Astrology)

Events going to take place in October – 2023

Mercury is entering into Virgo – 1st October 2023 at 8:45 pm IST [USA, 11:15 am EDT]. Mercury will remain in Virgo till 19th October 2023.

Venus is entering into Leo – 2nd October 2023 at 1:18 am IST [USA, 1st October – 3:48 pm EDT]. Venus will remain in Leo till 3rd November 2023.

Mars is entering into Libra – 3rd October 2023 at 6:16 pm IST [ USA, 8:46 am EDT]. Mars will remain in Libra till 16th November 2023.

Mars and Ketu (south node) will cross each other between 4th October and 5th October 2023 at the very beginning of Libra/Chitra nakshatra. This is very dangerous.

Solar Eclipse on 14th October 2023. This will happen very close to the boundary between Virgo and Libra.

Sun entering into Libra on 18th October 2023.

Sun and Ketu will cross each other on 18th October 2023 at around 4:30 pm IST [USA, 7 am EDT].

Rahu will enter into Pisces and Ketu will enter into Virgo on 30th October 2023 at 1:33 pm IST [USA, 4:03 am EDT].


If you want to understand the effects of these events in your life. Then you may write to me on my Email for your horoscope analysis in the light of these transits.

My Email =

Sunday 3 September 2023

Lahiri Ayanamsha is the correct Ayanamsha

Here is a horoscope that confirms the accuracy of sidereal Zodiac and LAHIRI AYANAMSHA. 

This horoscope belongs to a boy with the following birth data: 

1st Aug 2000;

3:32 am;

Santa Clara, California, USA





Now when you look at this horoscope, you will see that Venus is at 29° 38' Cancer. Venus at 29°38’ in Cancer, is extremely close to the boundary between Cancer and Leo.

If we accept that there can be some minor error in assigning coordinates to planets [either due to minor calculation error or due to minor error in the Ayanamsha used] then this Venus could also be inside Leo.

But the fact is that this boy is studying Chemical Engineering, this makes it more likely that Venus is indeed in Cancer only, as Venus rules the 5th H of specialised knowledge, and most chemical reactions are performed in liquid medium; so it looks more logical that 5thruler Venus be placed in a water sign Cancer along with technical planets Mars and Sun.

Also, ending part of Cancer sign is Ashlesha Nakshatra (ruled by Naga that holds poisons), which often gives interest in Chemistry or Chemical Engineering.


So, here in this case if Lahiri Ayanamsha was not correct, and we use some other Ayanamsha (e.g., Raman Ayanamsha) then Venus would be placed at 1° Leo/Magha Nakshatra. Venus will also be then not conjunct with technology oriented Yoga of Mars + Sun in a water sign. Saturn will also not be seeing Venus if Venus goes to Leo. So, Venus in Leo therefore will not explain why this boy is studying Chemical Engineering. So, Venus is in Cancer only, and this proves that Lahiri Ayanamsha is correct.


For getting Vedic astrology reading from the author, you may write at the following Email:

Tuesday 22 August 2023

Britney Spears and her relationship chaos

Why Britney Spears faces so much chaos in her relationship and marriage?

Her Birth Data

2nd Dec 1981
1:03:27 am (rectified)
McComb Mississippi, USA.


She is Virgo asc. in VEDIC ASTROLOGY. Given other factors same, a Virgo asc. person is always likely to face more relationship troubles in comparison to people of other ascendants - why? - because Virgo is 12th from Libra (the natural 7th H).

A Virgo ascendant person is susceptible to experience very high sex energy - why? - because Aries [fire of Mars] falls in their 8th H of genital organs.


TITHI (Lunar Day of Birth)

She is born during the 6th Tithi. This is among the difficult Tithis of birth for relationship. 6th Tithi is ruled by Venus. In her horoscope, Venus is very closely conjunct with KETU. Affliction of Venus by Ketu is very serious. She is born with some problem intrinsically working inside her in how she connects with others OR what kind of partners she feels attracted to.


7th House

7th H is Pisces. She may be very dreamy about her relationships and partnerships. She may sometimes have un-realistic expectations from relationships.

Jupiter is 7th L. 7th L Jupiter is placed in the 2nd H/Libra. This is difficult placement because of two reasons : 1) Libra is ruled by Venus who is enemy of Jupiter; 2) 2nd H is 8th from the 7th H. The 8th-angle is often connected to change, transformation, suddenness, unpredictability… etc. 7th L’s placement in the 2nd H in an unfriendly sign can be one of the factors that has given her many relationships. Very often people with their 7th L placed in the 2nd H, their father (or some mentor) can cause challenging situations for their relationship.



Mars is seeing [Vedic Aspect] the 7th H. This is causing an attitude of impulsiveness in her about her relationships.

Mars is also the 8th L and seeing the 7th H, she may experience many sudden or abrupt transformations in her relationship environment. New partners may come in her life suddenly, and she may also experience sudden break-ups with an existing partner.



Influence of Saturn on 7th H [6th H and 7th H connection]

Saturn rules the 6th H and seeing the 7th H from the 1st H. 7th L Jupiter is also seeing the 6th H.
This may get her into relationships which are intrinsically unbalanced from the beginning and have seeds of distrust and disagreements in them. This may also give to her (or to her partner) a tendency to break relationship impulsively and without any remorse.


What she should do?

I will suggest her to spend more and more of her time and energy in serving the poor, the old, the handicapped or the exploited people. She should work for environment protection and use her celebrity status to campaign against all kinds of crimes and exploitations.

Start practicing spirituality (liberal and broad) in your life. Learn to meditate. Practice Meditation daily. Learn Pranayama, practice pranayama daily. Say prayers daily.

Stop getting into relationships one after the other.

Strengthen Mercury through Mantra Chanting.
Worship Ganesha for removing the affliction of Ketu on Venus.


If you want to understand the basic motivations and drives that are working inside Britney Spears and how they are creating the pattern of the life that she is living. You may read my book on her Vedic Horoscope... which is available on Amazon 


For getting a reading on your Vedic Horoscope, you may write on the Email Cosmicbond7@gmail.come


Thursday 25 May 2023

Tina Turner – Vedic Horoscope

Birth Information:

26th Nov., 1939

10:10 pm

Brownsville (Haywood County), Tennessee, USA


 Tina Turner was an American-born and naturalized Swiss singer, dancer, actress and author. She was widely referred to as the “Queen of Rock ‘n’ Roll” and rose to prominence as the lead singer of the Ike & Tina Turner Revue before launching a successful career as a solo performer.

She won eight Grammy Awards and was inducted into the Rock ‘n’ Roll Hall of Fame in 2021 as a solo artist.



Cancer Ascendant
Taurus Moon (Moon in Rohini Nakshatra).
Scorpio Sun


Ascendant Lord Moon is exalted in the 11th H. And Moon Dasha was running at birth. This in itself was a hint that she can have great success in mass distribution of her works. She was born to win many awards. Moon in Rohini girls are generally beautiful.

Sun rules the 2nd H, Sun is placed in the 5th H = voice is connected to the house of creativity and talent.

2nd H ruler Sun is conjunct with 3rd H ruler Mercury in the 5th H = connection between 2nd H and 3rd H is always good for singers and actors, as this allows them to communicate through voice and facial-expressions. Mars is seeing the 3rd H, which gives her younger siblings and also fire and drive in her to communicate and take new initiatives.

The managers of 2nd H and 3rd H are meeting in the 5th H of creativity, personal talent, entertainment, love, romance (and past life good Karma) = so she was a performer, entertainer and a star when she communicated with her voice as a singer (writing romantic lyrics). And that allowed her to gain lots of attention of the world. She may have been very good at singing love or devotional songs that may have good appeal on young people.

Jupiter in the 9th H/Pisces = she may have had good amount of interest in religion, spirituality, philosophy … etc.

5th & 10th H ruler Mars is placed in the 8th H (exchange between rulers of 10th H and 8th H): many sudden (or even catastrophic) events in love. She may have experience sudden big ups and downs in her career (or works). She can be victim of violence or accidents. She may herself could have violent temperament sometimes (Mars is also seeing Moon). She may have radiated some mysterious, sensual energy in her creativity and career.

7th H ruler Saturn is placed in 10th H/Aries = will give her relationships and marriage, but Saturn is debilitated, so things may not have been very beautiful for her in the area of relationship. Venus is placed in the 6th H, she may have sometimes pretended through cosmetic show-off that some of her relationships are beautiful even if in reality that might have been abusive relationship.


She died on 24th May, 2023. Dasha at the time of Death is Mercury/Saturn.


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