Tuesday 22 December 2020

Latest Review of my Astrology Work

I feel happy when people say they found great help from my hard work. Monica, who lives in USA, has written a review for the astrology report I wrote for her...

Tuesday 15 December 2020

Why are Eclipses so powerful ?

The entire creation is the interplay between two polarities - male and female. In our part of the universe, astrologically, Sun and Moon are respectively the  main representatives of these two polarities. That is why we say Sun stand for father, and Moon stands for mother. 

The phases of the Moon (lunar days) tells us the mutual arrangements  between the Moon and the Sun (what equation the divine mother energy has with the divine father energy). That is why in Vedic Astrology we analyse the lunar day of birth of a person to understand the relationship energy working in him/her.

On a new Moon day, they are together, the cosmic female embraces the cosmic male - She surrenders Her "shine" and "glow" to be with Him, and that leads to the creation of new cycle (new possibilities) every month. 

But the cosmic female must shine, so from new moon day onwards, Moon  moves ahead of the Sun, all the time looking at Him, and shining by reflecting His light, ... the more She goes away, the brighter She becomes till She reaches farthest from Him, here She is completely manifesting Herself in full glory, and we say it is Full Moon.

But She still yearns for Him, and once She attains Her maximum light, She begins to move towards Him  to finally get into His embrace again in the next New Moon.

So new moon is equivalent to "sex" when the cosmic female meets the comic male, and that is why it is very powerful moment which most occult practitioners try to utilize in their rituals.

Full moon is powerful day to please the supreme Goddess to gain prosperity and happiness.

Eclipse is very powerful moment.... because on that special day on new moon or full moon....they are perfectly alligned as they meet 

Solar Eclipse - on new Moon, not only moon is dark, Sun is also dark....they both lose identity in each other...can consider it equivalent to a very intense cosmic sexual union....  

Lunar Eclipse - happens on full moon day, on the day when She was to attain her full glory, and She finds herself under the shadow of Rahu/Ketu...this opens a window for the "dark energies" to manifest

That is why it is important to engage in spiritual activities during the eclipse. In Lunar eclipse, for protection. In solar eclipse, for faster spiritual evolution.
Note : this post I had written one year ago (reposting) in my facebook group

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