Wednesday, 29 July 2020

Shadripu - Our 6 Enemies

Planets and the #weaknesses they may contribute in our life

Mars - Anger
Rahu - Greed
Saturn - Intoxication/addiction
Venus - excessive lust
Mercury - jealousy 
ketu - illusion

These six weaknesses are called our shadripu (6 enemies).


Freewill and Destiny

#Astrology is an interplay of Destiny vs Freewill

#Destiny : the circumstances and situations that unfolds in our life... mostly we have no choice in this matter

#Freewill : how we react in a circumstance... Every circumstance offers us some options that we can choose in that circumstance (how many... that depends upon how heavy our past karmas behind that particular circumstance are.... a very heavy set of past karmas behind a circumstance may give us very few alternative options to choose in that circumstance) ..... if you know physics it is like "degree of freedom" that we have in that particular circumstance. It is our freewill that how we choose to react or what option we select.
The freewill of today will shape the destiny of future.

The prayers and other good karmas (like donation, serving or helping others or doing any other good deeds).... if you have the options of these in the present circumstance of your life... then say "Thank You" to your luck... because you have the options of doing karmas that can either improve your destiny in future or reduce the intensity of a future bad circumstance that may be about to open-up before you.


Tuesday, 28 July 2020

Thank You

I feel happy when people tell that my analysis of their Vedic Horoscope and my advices to them based on that... actually made their life better...

Sunday, 26 July 2020

Vedic Astrology is Helpful

Many a times, after I understand the horoscope of a person.... it becomes easier for me to guide. 

Friday, 24 July 2020

Vedic Horoscope of Shri RaaMa

Shri #RaaMa's Horoscope

Lord RaaMa was the incarnation of Shri Vishnu. He is considered as the Righteousness Personified. 

As per Valmiki Ramayana (Sage Valmiki was His contemporary), He was born with Cancer rising with Jupiter and Moon in the 1st H in Cancer. 

Moon was placed in the Punar Vasu Nakshatra – so Moon in Cancer sign and Punar Vasu nakshatra means His moon must have be in between 0° to 3° 20' in Cancer.

He was born in the 9th tithi (9th lunar day). This means the distance between His Sun and His Moon must have been in between 96° and 108°.  So with Moon in between 0° to 3° 20' in Cancer, Sun must be in the sign Pisces in the 9th H in His horoscope. 

Sun in the 9th H shortens the longevity of father – RaaMa father King Dasarath died early (out of sorrow) after RaaMa was sent into the exile.

It is mentioned in Valmiki Ramayana that in  Shri RaaMa's horoscope there are 5 planets that are either exalted or in own sign:

So we have the following list:
#Moon – Cancer – Own sign – 1st House.

#Jupiter – Cancer – Exalted – 1st House.

Sun – Pisces – neither exalted, nor own sign – 9th H

#Venus and Mercury can’t be too far from Sun


#Venus – Pisces – Exalted – 9th H

#Saturn – Libra – exalted – 4th H

#Mars – Capricorn – exalted – 7th H

So now we are left with Mercury, Rahu and Ketu .
There is a debate on where Mercury must have been placed. 

But I have come from the tradition of Shri K.N.Rao, and His Guru was of the opinion that RaaMa went to exile (to foreign land) for 14 years. 

So Mercury (being the 12th H ruler) must somehow influence the 4th H. Mercury can’t go too far away from Sun in the 9th H. 

So Mercury should be in the 10th H in Aries so that from there he (Merc) may see the 4th H (home) and also the 7th H ruler Saturn (RaaMa’s wife also went to exile along with Him).

RaaMa is always shown with a bow. He is known for the war of Ramayana. So Rahu must be placed in the 6th H (war) in the sign Sagittarius (bow and arrow). That will put Ketu in the 12th H in Gemini.

When God comes and incarnates in human form, He also pretends to live the human life of constraints, limitations and sorrow. This is described in Sanskrit as His LEELA.

Jupiter + Moon in the first House in Cancer – makes Him the most principled Man who has ever lived on Earth. 

RaaMa was an example of how a man can maintain his dignity and calm (and not leave the path of Dharma) even during the most difficult time.

Exalted Saturn seeing the exalted Jupiter (Moon also present) – a man who will always be in His balance of mind (Moon) and always be in control (Saturn) of himself, due to being the personification of exalted wisdom (Jupiter). 

Jupiter is also the 9th H ruler seeing the 9th House and Sun – the strict follower of Dharma.

Rahu in the 6th H, and Mars (exalted) seeing the 1st H and Moon (1st H ruler) and Jupiter (9th H ruler). He went to war (Mars) for an exalted cause (exalted Mars) and for His wife (Mars in the 7th H) to uphold the Dharma (Jupiter is 9th H ruler). Jupiter is also the 6th House ruler – that further confirms this.

Saturn in the 4th H – gave Him some problem related to the 4th H (house, royal throne) initially. But once He did His Karma, the same Saturn exalted in His 4th H made Him the most revered king of India’s imagination. Even today people compare every Indian Govt with RaaMa Rajya (RaaMa’s kingdom).

Mars in the 7th H – He had to go through problems in His marriage, and He had to fight a war with Raavana taking the help of Lord Hanuman (Mars) as His partner (7th H).
Sun is the Tithi Lord placed with exalted Venus and aspected by only Jupiter – He was a devoted one-wife-Husband (even when His wife was not with Him).

Thursday, 23 July 2020

Tuesday, 21 July 2020

A Review of my Astrology Report

Here is the review of a satisfied client who took VedicAstrology reading from me....

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