Tuesday 23 July 2024

Vedic Horoscope of Kamala Harris and Election 2024


20th October 1964

21:28 Hrs.

Chinatown, California, USA





She is in news because President Biden has endorsed her to become the Democratic Party candidate for 2024 US Presidential election.

She is running through Rahu Maha-Dasha from 2012 to 2030. Rahu is placed in the 1st H of horoscope in his favourite sign Gemini.

Communication and intelligence are her strong abilities, and she can gain recognition, self-growth, prominence, power... etc. through her communication and intelligence. Rahu can help her create that MAYA (very important for politicians and film-stars) around her personality that people should like her.

Yes, many people may perceive her as very selfish, cold and non-emotional, so many people may not like her at personal level, which can prove to be the biggest hindrance for her in winning nomination from her own party to fight against Trump.


Rahu is passing through Pisces right now, Pisces is the 10th House (career, profession, leadership). So, Rahu can give her prominence.

She is running through the sub-period of Venus between Feb 2024 and Feb. 2027. Venus is involved in exchange-yoga with Sun, involving the 3rd House and the 5th House. She will do very well with POLITICAL (5th H) CAMPAIGNING (3rd House), first for getting nominated and then (if she gets nominated to fight against Trump) for the election. Trump will really have hard time campaigning against her if she gets nominated.



Her ascendant Lord Mercury is placed in the 5th H with Sun (Sun is debilitated, but due to being in exchange YOGA with Venus, Sun's debilitation is cancelled to some extent). Mercury placed in the 5th House connects her to politics (5th House) and government (Sun).

But, Mercury is very weak [see the 2nd image] in her horoscope which can become a big factor for her to not be able to touch the ZENITH. She needs to strengthen her Mercury.

Ashtaka-Varga wise Mercury is well placed, as he is supporting 5 natal planets [Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, Mercury].


Her 10th L Jupiter is RETROGRADE and at 0 deg in Taurus in the 12th House. This is weak !! Jupiter is however getting good support in Ashtaka-Varga. Transit Jupiter is also in Taurus this year.

Her 10th lord Jupiter is also connected to VENUS because of being placed in Taurus and Jupiter is placed in KRITIKA nakshatra so is connected to Sun also.

In this light, I feel Venus sub-period is very powerful for her inside this Rahu main-period. Because Venus is connected to Sun + Mercury in the 5th House and 10th L Jupiter also. That is why President Biden himself endorsed her to become the Democratic Candidate. She has a high chance of winning the nomination from her party [though, as I said, many people in her own party may not like her].

She has great ability to raise funds MOON-MARS exchange involving the 2nd H and 11th H, that can also work in her favour in winning the nomination.


Her biggest weaknesses:

·       She may not have much patience

·       People may feel that she is a little superficial personality

·       Emotionally, she needs to empower herself


CLICK HERE if you want to get a reading on your horoscope from the author.

Sunday 14 July 2024

Donald Trump and Vedic Astrology - His present Time (July 2024 to November 2024)

 Birth Information

14th June, 1946

10:54 am

Jamaica, New York, USA


He is Leo Ascendant in his Vedic Horoscope. Taurus is 10th house for him

·       He is presently running through Jupiter main period and Ketu sub-period.

·       From 30th Sep., 2024 onwards he will run through Jupiter main-period and Venus sub-period.


Main-Period of Jupiter:

Transit-Jupiter is moving through the Taurus (10th house) this year. So, he is in the lime-light. Transiting through his 10th house Jupiter will also interact with his natal Sun and Rahu placed in the 10th H. So, this transit of Jupiter can potentially give him power and status [so may be, election win also]. Earlier when he was running through Rahu main-period he won the President election. His natal Jupiter is sitting in the 2nd H and from there the natal-Jupiter is also seeing the 10th H. And interestingly, both natal and Transit Jupiter are seeing the 6th House of competition (election fight).


Sub-period of Ketu [active now, and will continue till 30th Sep., 2024]:

·       Jupiter/Ketu/Saturn = from 18th June 2024 to 12th Aug., 2024

·       Jupiter/Ketu/Mercury = from 12th Aug., 2024 to 30th Sep., 2024

He is running through Saturn sub-sub-period also till 23rd July 2024. After that he will begin the Mercury sub-sub-period till 30th September, 2024.

So, it is clear, right now [July 2024] he is running through Jupiter/Ketu/Saturn period.

I have explained the main-period lord Jupiter already. Jupiter is willing to giving him power, status and election victory this year.

Let me now analyse the sub-period Ketu inside the Jupiter main-period. Ketu sub-period is a very dangerous time, as in his horoscope Ketu is eclipsing his Moon (Ketu and Moon are closely conjunct with Sun sitting in the opposite 10th House)

Ketu is presently transiting through Virgo sign where his natal Jupiter is sitting. This can give him some spiritual awakening. But this can also possibly threaten his life and his security. We should not forget that among many things, Ketu can also represent “headless” people who unleash terror and kill people indiscriminately. He should be very careful for his health, security and safety till 30th Sep., 2024 because Ketu sub-period will be active till that time.

Now, let me analyse the sub-sub-periods inside Jupiter/Ketu:

Saturn sub-sub-period [active till 12th August 2024]: Saturn is considered the most negative planet for Leo ascendant people. Saturn is even capable for causing death to a Leo ascendant people.

Yes, since Saturn rules the 6th H [fighting, enemies … etc] and 7th H [public-life] ... in his Leo ascendant horoscope, so it is matching with his life-event that he is fighting an election right now and is going out a lot in public. He should be careful for his health, security and safety in the Saturn sub-sub-period as Saturn is placed in the 12th H (hidden enemies, prison ... etc).

Transit Saturn is presently passing through Aquarius/7th house. I will take this Transit of Saturn as good transit for him in the present time because this Saturn moving through Aquarius/7th H can allow him to spend lots of time in public (which is needed during the election campaigning). Although, it is also a fact that Saturn is passing through 4th House from his natal Moon (in Scorpio) which can give him emotional stress (or health issues or even risk to life). Transit Saturn is also currently opposite to his natal Mars in this 1st H, it is a fact that Saturn-Mars opposition happening on the 1st H-7th H axis is not a very safe energy when he is also running through the Saturn sub-sub-period. Mixing of Saturn-Mars energy is known to give accidents and injuries.

Mercury sub-sub-period [active from 12th August 2024 to 30th Sep., 2024]: Mercury sub-sub-period will prove to be very gainful time for him as Mercury is 11th House ruler and placed in the 11th House. He will find great success in all kinds of political networking and group activities in the context of his campaigning. Mercury also rules the 2nd House of speech, so he will deliver good speeches and his words will reach great many people.

NOTE: But he cannot be careless for his health, security and safety in the Mercury sub-sub-period also, because Ketu sub-period will still be active and I have described the risk that Ketu is causing him.

Jupiter main-period & Venus Sub-period [from 30th Sep., 2024 onwards]:

Jupiter main-period I have already explained. Jupiter is working well for Trump in the year 2024.

Now, it is a great news for Trump that he will start Venus sub-period on 30th Sep., 2024 and the election is on 5th November 2024. Venus sub-period is definitely capable of giving him very good results.

Venus rules the 10th H [career, leadership] in his horoscope. Venus is capable of giving him the results of Sun + Rahu placed in his horoscope in the 10th House/Taurus. Venus is placed in the 12th House with Saturn in the sign Cancer. Venus is placed in the Punar Vasu nakshatra which is ruled by Jupiter. So, Venus sub-period is good for giving him a fairly high chance to gain power and status in life.

Jupiter and Venus are placed in 3-11 from each other in his horoscope. This is considered good mutual placement for main and sub-period ruler.

On 5th November 2024, Transit Venus will be passing through Scorpio/4th House. This is good Transit as among many things 4th H is also the royal-throne [President's Chair] for politicians. Ashtaka-Varga wise, Scorpio transit of Venus is good with respect to 6 natal factors [asc., Moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Saturn]. So, I am seeing this transit of his sub-period lord Venus as good transit.

Transit Venus and Transit Jupiter will be in the opposite signs/house on 5th November 2024.


NOTE of Caution: Since Venus is sitting with Saturn, so he can give the effects of Saturn also. I have said this already that Saturn is very negative for Leo ascendant people. Saturn can even cause death to a Leo ascendant person.

So, he should be careful for his health and safety in the Venus sub-period as Venus may also be giving the results of Saturn. Both Venus and Saturn are placed in the 12th H (hidden enemies, prison ... etc), so he should be very careful


NOTE: Presently, Mars is transiting through Taurus (his 10th H). Transit Mars is going to conjoin with Uranus soon. This Mars + Uranus conjunction can trigger lots of uncontrolled or violent energy. Perhaps that is why someone attempted to attack on him on 13th July, 2024. We should not also forget that on 13th July, 2024 he was running through Jupiter/Ketu/Saturn period and both Ketu sub-period are Saturn sub-sub-period are risky time for him.

Since, this Mars + Uranus transit conjunction is happening in his 10th H, so his election campaign may actually benefit from this event [the failed attack] as his supporters may now rally behind him even more strongly.


CLICK HERE if you want to get a reading on your horoscope from the author.

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