Tuesday 16 May 2023

Pitru Dosha - What is it ?

Pitru Dosha literally means some blemish working in our life which are stemming from our family ancestors. It can be seen as some kind of inherited bad karmas of our ancestors that we are born with. The word Pitru Dosha can be loosely translated into English as ANCESTRAL BLESMISH (or some people also translate it as Ancestral Curse). It can be identified easily from our Vedic horoscope…. 



If there is Pitru Dosha running in a family, then that may cause some challenge in the life of children born in the family.

Normally, in a family where Pitru Dosha is present, either mostly female children are born or male children suffer obstacles and problems in their life and profession. In few cases no children are born to a couple belonging to a family with heavy load of Pitru Dosha.

Children [especially male] born in such families find troubles in getting married OR if they get married, they may experience trouble in their marriage. Few children born in such a family may turn to homosexuality.

Many members of such a family may suffer due to health issues.

Many people in such a family may also experience stressful finances and problem in their career. 

Broadly there can be three types of Pitru Doshas running in a family:

1.    There can be Pitru Dosha running in our family if the death rituals of some ancestor in our family were not done properly at the time of his/her death as per how it is prescribed in our scriptures.


2.    If some of our ancestors had an accidental death (or death by suicide etc.), their soul may still be stuck in this world (or loka) only and may be wandering as ghost because of unfinished tasks or attachments … etc. Now, we as surviving member of the same lineage, it is our duty that we say prayers or do the prescribed rituals under the guidance of some priest … etc. which can free such a soul of some ancestor in our family from this loka. And if we are not doing anything to help such a soul, that soul can bring trouble in our life.


3.    If some people in our family ancestry did some bad karma and earned some kind of curse because of that...now, in the same way as we inherit family genes, we inherit wealth… etc., we all also inherit the family ancestral bad-karmas and the consequent curse that we run in our family line.



Pitru Dosha is a very deep topic of analysis in any horoscope. Only an experienced Vedic Astrologer can do a detailed analysis of this and provide you with good remedies to negate it. But here I am giving one simple thumb-rule to identify it. 

You may have Pitru Dosha running in your life if:

·       9th H of your birth horoscope is afflicted

·       Sun is afflicted in your birth horoscope

·       Planet ruling the 9th H is afflicted


·       We should regularly say prayers for our ancestors. Just praying for the self is not enough. We must pray for our ancestors too to burn the effects of bad karmas that may be running in our family. If you do not know what prayers to say for this purpose then I can suggest you two mantras in this context. You can chant any one of these two mantras to get rid of the Pitru Dosha running in your family – 1) RaaMa chanting 2) Gayatri Mantra Chanting. 

·       Donate food and money to priests, poor and animals on Amavasya Day. Pitru-Tarpanam may also be done either daily or on Amavasya Days. 

·       Pitru-Tarpanam should be performed on all the 15 days during the Pitru Paksha. 

·       Whenever possible, the eldest surviving member of the family [especially the male] may go to Gaya and do the necessary Pitru Shanti puja there.



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